There's a new bridal show "Unveiled" in Dallas in October. We're involved in the fashion

shows and last Sunday six models flew in and were at both stores for gown selections and fittings. The interesting thing about fashion models "off duty" is how non-glamourous they look. We spent the entire day fitting tall size 2 girls into sample bridal gowns and bridesmaid dresses.

Tuesday night, we attended the AACWP annual bridal fashion show. This show featured bridal trends. When you see a "trend" show, the models are high glam and wearing gowns that are more conceptual than wearable. Fun to look at!
September 25 promises to be very busy -- two trunk shows plus a book signing event. Alvina Valenta Bridal and JSS Knits Special Occasion are the trunk shows.
Donnie Brown (from "Whose Wedding is it Anyway?") will be at Stardust signing his new book "Donnie Brown Events". Champagne, wedding cake samples and hopefully--books!! The books aren't here yet.
The new store is coming along nicely. Lots of problems have been solved--we now have display bars, phone, computer, staff, etc. Waiting for new signage and aiming for a Sept. 25 opening.

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