Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Twogether in Texas: Marriage Education Classes

While you’re having so much fun planning your wedding, don’t forget to plan for your marriage as well! The state’s initiative, Twogether in Texas, promotes marriage education classes that provide eight hours or more of training on communication skills, conflict resolution and other elements of a healthy marriage.

The classes are offered through counselors, churches, temples and other organizations whose curriculum has been approved by the state. The classes are at least eight hours in length and can be taken in a one-day seminar, a weekend workshop or over several weeks of classes, depending on the provider couples choose.

 Another bonus of the class besides laying the foundation for a great marriage is that couples showing proof of completing an approved course will receive a $60 discount off of their marriage license fee and they can waive the 72-hour waiting period before getting married. You can find classes in your area on the website: http://www.twogetherintexas.com/. Happy planning and happy marriage!

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